Our modular home offerings are not built from cookie-cutter designs as some are led to believe. Quite to the contrary, modular home customization is easier to execute as compared to traditional stick-build home construction. This is because modular construction procedure utilizes state-of-the-art technology in creating layouts and designs. Design modifications in the modular floor plan can be effectively enabled via computer aided design. In modular construction, your customization options are virtually limitless.
For those home buyers on a strict need for rapid buildout, modular home construction is the clear choice. With a significant part of the buildout conducted within environmentally controlled factories, the risk of weather delays are significantly reduced when choosing modular home construction vice stick-built alternatives.
There is much less waste associated with the custom modular home building process. Automation within the various construction modules are a clear path to efficiencies that stick-building firms simply can’t achieve. Less waste equates directly to less cost and better value.
At Virginia Homes Building Systems, you select the features of your future home. You will personalize the build to the maximum extent. These facts are sometimes misunderstood about the modular home industry.
Allow us to educate you more on the subject of modular home design. Contact Virginia Homes Building Systems to get your modular dream home started.